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At your latest appointment you probably received a copy of your Oral Health Assessment. We want you to learn more about the current state of your dental health and be aware about what you can do to improve areas of concern. 


Each category is scored 0, 1, 2 with 2 being the best and 0 being the worst. Please read below for more information on each category. 

  • Hygiene at Appointment

    • 2 is given when the teeth present clean at the hygiene appointment, there is no gingivitis present and calculus (hard deposits) above the gums are non existent or minimal

    • 1is given if there are obvious areas that have not been cleaned at home as well as they should be, some gingivitis may be present.

    • 0 is given when the teeth at the appointment present plaque, calculus, toxins and/or gum disease from lack of proper hygiene.

      • ​How to improve: consistent regular home care—brushing and flossing.


  • Active Decay Score

    • This is a report of any active decay in the patients mouth. 

      • 2 means that there was no detectable decay at the appointment. 

      • 1 means there is no more than 1 area of decay detected. This score is also given if recommended x-rays are not taken, as we cannot determine the presence of absence of certain types of decay without radiographs. 

      • 0 is given when there is more than 1 area of active decay in the mouth. This could be 2 or 20. 

        • ​How to improve: great home care and healthy diet without excess sugar is key here. The major sources of cavities in our practice come from lack of flossing and or sleeping with dirty teeth. Tooth brush and floss should be performed just before going to sleep.


  • Gingivitis Score

    • 2 is given when there is no bleeding on polishing and or flossing.

    • 1 is given when there are no more than 3 points of gum bleeding during polishing and flossing. 

    • 0 is given when there are more than 3 points of bleeding during polishing and flossing.

      • ​How to improve: brushing at the gum line and flossing are key here. 


  • Periodontal Health

    • 2 is given when there is no sign of calculus (hard deposits) under the gums, no sign of bone loss and limited calculus on the teeth. Additionally, there would be no gum recession.

    • 1 is given when there is minimal calculus above the gums and no evidence of bone loss or calculus under the gums. Very minimal or no gum recession present.

    • 0 is given if there is excessive calculus on the teeth or calculus visible in x-ray under the gums or bone or gum recession.

      • ​How to improve: consistent brushing and flossing are essential here—especially the flossing. If a person is predisposed for periodontal problems, then more frequent professional cleanings can really help. 

    • Please also note the grade and score from during your appointment according to the Periodontology Association. 


  • Occlusion Score

    • 2 is given when the teeth fit together in a healthy way and there is minimal crowding

    • 1 is given if the fit of the teeth is non-ideal, but the functionality is only moderately impacted. 

    • 0 is given in the presence of any malocclusion that affects functionality or compromises esthetics

      • ​Orthodontics or sometimes restorative dentistry can correct most any occlusal problem. 


  • TMJ

    • 2 is given for a healthy joint without sounds or deviations

    • 1 is given if the joint makes occasional noises (pops, clicks) but is not ever painful and functions well

    • 0 is given if there there persistent joint sounds, locking, deviations and or pain

      • ​Joint problems are one of the most complex issues in dentistry. But certain things increase the risk that problems develop, which include bad habits (like nail biting, excessive gum chewing), poor occlusion, and contact sports.


  • Restoration Stability

    • 2 is given when there are no restorations or any restorations are in good condition and are expected to remain fully functional into the future

    • 1 is given when any restorations in the mouth are showing signs of breakdown or have a high likelihood of needing replacement in the near future. Functionality is not yet impaired at this point. 

    • 0 is given when any restoration present needs to be repaired or replaced and failure to do so will compromise the health and function of any tooth. 

      • ​Good oral hygiene and low acid diets help restorations last longer. Poor occlusion and grinding can also compromise restoration longevity. 


  • Tooth Wear

    • 2 is given when there is little visible wear on the teeth

    • 1 is given when there is visible wear, but it’s affects are minimal and it is not expected to worsen

    • 0 is given when there is excessive visible wear on the teeth, tissue health and or restorations are compromised by the wear. Also given when the wear is expected to worsen.

      • ​In adults or teens who have finished orthodontic treatment, night guards can protect the teeth. For adults and children, excessive grinding can often be a symptom of breathing difficulty at night. Looking into the cause of significant grinding can be life changing for a patient. 


  • Reported Home Care

    • 2 is given when a patient reports 2x daily brushing and 1x daily flossing

    • 1 is given when a patient reports less than ideal brushing/flossing frequency, but is at least brushing daily

    • 0 is given if a patient is brushing less than daily or never flossing. 

      • 2x daily brushing and 1x daily flossing are ideal. The toothbrush should be the last thing in your mouth before bed. 


  • Consistency

    • 2 is given when a patient is being seen regularly at the prescribed routine care intervals (ie cleaning and check-up every 6 months) And any needed restorative work is taken care of in a timely fashion.

    • 1 is given when the patient is being seen less than the ideal routine care interval, or has not gotten needed restorative work done as prescribed.

    • 0 is given when a patient is seen irregularly in the office and may have outstanding restorative needs that have not been addressed.

      • Routine dental care greatly increases the likelihood of lifelong oral health. Patients seen less frequently tend to have increased problems and require more work when they do come. Years of research support the efficacy of regular preventative dental services like cleaning, X-rays and examination by a dentist. 

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